A Note from Dr. Jaffe (DrJ)

Join me and discover your unique enabled path to wellness and explore Nature’s pHarmacy™.

My medical education started in the conventional manner. It was my good fortune to apprentice with comprehensive practitioners, healers, and spiritual beings. They introduced me to healing modalities that still mostly lie outside of academic Western Medicine. Through those experiences, I rediscovered that we all have the power to change our lives, habits, and future, particularly by choosing wisely and comprehensively about what we eat, drink, think and do!

Each of us can choose to thrive rather than just survive.

Your chemistry, your relationships, and your history all interconnect to make you who you are. You are unique. Now is the time for you to nurture and engage your innate healing capacities.

Let’s each of us rise above life’s burdens and afflictions. By finding daily rituals and habits that are the keys to a long, healthy, happy life that works for you.


Dr. J

I was traditionally trained in internal medicine, biochemistry, and physiology. My sense was that there must be something more. I set out to uncover the secrets of thriving health by examining some of the traditional practices from other parts of the world. During my time of discovery, I was fortunate enough to apprentice and befriend several traditional practitioners, healers, and spiritual guides, who introduced me to healing modalities outside or ignored by reductionist Western Medicine.

I met Jing Nuan Wu, a Taoist priest and acupuncturist and saw first-hand the life-changing results in his clients. I stayed with him for a seven-year apprenticeship after which I taught a three-year course, “Oriental Strategies in Western Medical Practice” — the first program for medical acupuncture licensure in New York and California and an early step in blending Western and Eastern approaches

Many other noteworthy people crossed my path and helped me on this journey of self-awareness. There is one who stands out. I heard about a Cambodian Buddhist monk who had decoded a color healing system that was used 2,500 years ago, practiced for 5 centuries, and lost for 20 centuries. Sam Dech Preah Bhanté Vira Bellong Dharmawara Mahathera, known as Bhanté (Reverend), and I were mostly together for the last 30 years of his life. He was one of only two monks who outranked His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama. Bhanté went on to become my friend and teacher of many things, including his non-invasive color healing paradigm. His philosophies and teachings have influenced my insights into wellness and to Nature’s pHarmacy.


About Russell Jaffe, MD, PhD, CCN

For half a century, Dr. Jaffe has been investigating, researching, and communicating. As a physician and scientist, he aspired to be comprehensive, objective, empiric, and experiential. Dr. Jaffe started his career that included a passion for deeper understanding, wisdom, evidence, and insight into mechanisms of good and ill health.

Starting from intense curiosity and learned skepticism, Dr. Jaffe sought to debunk the best-known advocates of a variety of traditional health promotion and healing systems. What started as a journey to disprove holistic forms of care became a rich educational experience that transformed Dr. Jaffe into a student and then researcher in such areas as Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), acupuncture, active meditation, systems biology, and manipulative arts.

Dr. Jaffe came to stunning realizations. The Western model of healthcare he studied, trained in, and researched was fundamentally flawed. He learned that symptom suppression is not the same as personalized health promotion; sick care is not the same as healthful caring; abstract information is not the same as relevant wisdom. He rediscovered that treating disease is not the same as helping whole people heal.

The discoveries Dr. Jaffe made during this period of exploration inspired a rethinking for how to teach and practice medicine. He became deeply involved in healthcare policy and became an original pioneer of the preventative healthcare movement that is now reaching mainstream attention. At a minimum, a million lives annually in the US alone can be saved with what is now known about lifestyle and environmental influences on health. The results include a trillion dollars annually to fund the transition to health promotion before disease treatment. This also adds eight trillion dollars annually to the US national balance sheet.


Predicting the change that is now accelerating, Dr. Jaffe went on to create a series of organizations. Collectively, they provide people with sustainable and integrative healthcare solutions that focus on causes more than consequences, a full rethinking of the current system to include high tech yet high touch personalized proactive predictive primary prevention practices and protocols.

Today, Dr. Jaffe continues to advance and document the benefits of lifelong wellbeing. Join us. Spread this message of help and hope, evidence, and experience to provide us all the news they need to know to live healthier, happier lives in the 21st Century.