
Health is a matter of balance, and the foods that we choose have a great impact on our health. When we consume a diet high in fat, processed foods, sugar, and protein—also known as the standard American diet (SAD) — our bodies become more acidic, and less resilient. When we enjoy a diet rich in greens, plants, fruits, vegetables, minerals, and antioxidants, our cells become more alkaline, and more resistant to everyday stress. Just a slight shift in either direction can have a dramatic impact on our health—for better or worse.

Download the “Food Effects” Chart here as a guide to which foods are “acid-forming,” and which are “alkaline-forming.” This chart was created using a proprietary formula based on each food’s nutritional composition.

Twelve Nature's pHarmacy® Principles to Eat By

•  A wide variety of fresh, high quality whole foods

•  Organic and GMO-free whenever possible

•  80% alkaline-forming foods to regain health; 60% to maintain it

•  Immune system-friendly foods

•  A healthy ratio of complex carbs to proteins to healthy fats

•  Quality salts, fats and sugars

•  Upgrade the quality of your protein

•  Grasses rather than grains

•  Probiotic and fermented (cultured) foods and drinks

•  Lower on the food chain

•  Plenty of fiber

•  Detox periodically


Wellness Promoting Activities To Try:

6 Hour Window​

6 Hour Window

Many people are healthier when they compress food intake to six hours a day, a form of intermittent fasting.

Personalized Alkalinity​

Personalized Alkalinity​

The key to personalize your diet is keeping track of your pH levels and adjust food intake accordingly. ​​

80/20 or 60/40​

Based on your level of acid or inflammation, you may need to consume 80% or 60% alkaline foods. Download the Alkaline / Acid Food Chart as your guide.