Heart Disease Medications that Increase Viral Infection Risk
Men’s Health Supplement Recommendation
Patient Psychology of False Positive Reactive Items
Saccharomyces Boulardii Benefits
Taking Fish Oil While on Plavix
Can TMAO Concentrations Increase with Choline?
Why am I Still Sick with a Balanced pH?
Will Fruits and Veggies Ever Be Included in PERQUE Plant Powered Protein Guard™?
Would Dr. Jaffe Recommend a Potassium Citrate Supplement?
PERQUE Potent C Guard™ and ALA Deficiency
Vitamin D Benefits and How to Avoid Risks
Bradykinin and COVID-19
Benefits to Doing a C-Flush Before a Colon Hydrotherapy Session?
Colostrum/IgG Powder Health Benefits
Dangerously Low Platelet Levels and Supplementation
Can You Detox While Gathering Digestive Transit Time and pH Information?
Increased dosing with PERQUE Pain Guard™ and/or PERQUE Repair Guard™
LRA Test Suggested for Digestive Symptoms
PERQUE Supplements for Depression and/or Anxiety
Elevated Cholesterol and High Omega 3/6 Ratio
Challenging the COMT Gene
Quercetin Dihydrate and The Coronavirus
PERQUE Triple EFA Guard™ or PERQUE EPA/DHA Guard™: Which One Should I Use?
What Types of Cases Warrants High Doses of Supplements?
Does TMAO Mean Increased Risk for CVD?
Low Dose Immunotherapy Feedback
RAST IgE Skin Testing vs LRA Testing by ELISA/ACT
Recommendations for West Coast Wildfire Air Quality
The Digesta Guard™ Difference!
Nebulizing food grade hydrogen peroxide and Lugol’s solution
Can High Doses of Quercetin Dihydrate Help Someone with Histamine Problems?
Lowering hsCRP with Food Choices
Why is PERQUE Plant Powered Protein Guard™ Easily Digestible?
Can a C Cleanse Cause a Panic Attack?
Serum Zinc Recommendation
How should PERQUE Potent C Guard be dosed to maintain an elevated serum level?
Hydrogen Rich Water
The Ins and Outs of Plant-Powered Protein Guard
Supplements Recommendation for Chronic Inflammatory Pain
Supplements for Sweets Cravings
Likelihood of Carrying a Virus After Being Exposed
Can Excessive Intake of Antioxidants Disrupt the Redox Balance?
How to Approach Chronically Elevated ASO
Top Causes of Hair Loss in Women
Explaining the Development of Acquired Immunity Through the Process of Exposure to Antigens
L-Ascorbate and Glutathione Deficiencies
How to Distinguish Between Helpful and Harmful Responses
Viral Replication and Its Relationship to Human Host Response
How does increasing Intracellular Zinc function as an antiviral strategy?
The best kind of ionizer for cleaning the air
The Homocysteine/Methionine Balance
Dr. Russell Jaffe on how to deal with mold
Dr. Jaffe Talks About Blood Spot Testing
Raising zinc intake and balancing with copper
Cysteine Protease Enzymes and the Coronavirus
Relationship between increased intestinal permeability and other clinical disorders
Are there any agents like Piperine that may enhance absorption of Vitamin C?
Is there a limit to Peak Plasma Concentrations of Vitamin C?
Using PERQUE Potent C Guard with Kidney Stones and High Levels of Oxalates
Does plasma level of Vitamin C reflect the needs of other tissues in the body?
PERQUE Mood Guard for younger population with depression and anxiety
Does increased gut permeability mean higher reactivity on the LRA Test?
Which PERQUE product would you recommend for night terrors?
Dr. Russell Jaffe talks about the LRA Test compared to silicon-based biochip method
Should hair coloring be avoided in preparation for the LRA Test?
Dr. Russell Jaffe on testing the presence of glyphosate in the various organs
Dr. Russell Jaffe is asked about gut bacteria and Vitamin K1
Can PERQUE Sleep Guard be given to children?
Testing delayed hypersensitivities for things other than food
Differences between other Liposomal products and PERQUE products
Dr. Russell Jaffe’s Thoughts on Liposomal Vitamin C
What are some common causes of attention disorders?
Dr. Russell Jaffe explains what high doses of melatonin can do to cancer cells
Best Sources for Cholecalciferol, Lanolin and Fish-based Vitamin D
Dr. Russell Jaffe clarifies the natural chemistry of ascorbate
Dr. Russell Jaffe on the best way to measure oxidative stress
Dr. Russell Jaffe talks about the PERQUE Detox Program
Can Gallstones Be Dissolved Naturally?
PERQUE Potent C Powder vs Tabsules
Dr. Russell Jaffe talks about PERQUE Life Guard™
Dr. Russell Jaffe on the GAPS and the SCD Diet in hoping to reverse inflammatory bowl disease
Can hormones be tested as delayed allergies?
Dr. Russell Jaffe explains the mechanism of action for ascorbate in PERQUE Potent C Guard Powder
How long after receiving LRA test results should you start to detox?
Are immediate allergies permanent?
Dr. Russell Jaffe on arsenic in rice and age group concerns
Dr. Russell Jaffe on Endocannabinoids
Should we rotate supplements?
What Makes PERQUE EPA/DHA Guard™ Higher Quality?
ALS Supplementation Recommendations
EPA/DHA Testing and The Omega-3 Index
Uses of L-Theanine and should we supplement with it?
New sensitivities after patient takes LRA Test
Do some food sensitivities stay around forever?
Dr. Russell Jaffe’s thoughts on N-acetyl Cysteine (NAC)
If it shows you are reactive to an item on the LRA test does it mean you were exposed prior?
Supplement recommendations for postpartum care
Ask Dr. J: Corn sensitivity and animals who have ingested corn feeds
Dr. Russell Jaffe discusses collagen
Why do people suffer from heart attacks due to ischemia but we don’t hear about nose or ear attacks?
Is Ascorbic Acid the Most Effective Form of Vitamin C?
Dr. Russell Jaffe Talks Gluten Intolerance Testing
Is the Dynamic Flow Model of Vitamin C still valid?
Dr. Russell Jaffe on Bone Broth for Intestinal Support
Lower Back Pain and Cloudy Urine with Vitamin C
Recommended Avoidance Time after LRA Testing
How does Vitamin C treat infection, decrease oxidative stress & more?
Should Vitamin C be taken with Quercetin Dihydrate?
Dr. Russell Jaffe’s recommendation for a female with elevated testosterone
Common causes of atrophic gastritis
Is taking an aspirin a day an effective way in preventing a cardiac event?
What does it mean when PERQUE Potent C Guard becomes discolored?
Health Benefits of Ghee vs. Butter
Recommended Dosage of PERQUE Potent C Guard Powder for Children
Evidence based tools to reverse increased intestinal permeability
Ask Dr. J: Recommendations for chemotherapy patients
Dr. Russell Jaffe shares his knowledge on spore based probiotics
Ask Dr. J: How can you tell the difference between a reaction and a detox symptom?
Dr. Russell Jaffe answers why he recommends grasses over grains
Best way to check for heavy metals in the body
What is the antigen process when it comes to the LRA by ELISA/ACT test?
Can Hair Loss Be Reversed?
Ask Dr. J: Can Nitric Oxide be effectively used as a supplement?
Dr. Russell Jaffe on common causes of vertigo and strategies to help resolve it
Supplements that are good for estrogen dominance
Dr. Russell Jaffe is asked how banned chemicals may show up on LRA results
Dr. Russell Jaffe’s recommendations for root canals
Dr. Russell Jaffe Comments on Apple Cider Vinegar
Dr. Russell Jaffe discusses what to test when checking for a specific sensitivity
Dr. Russell Jaffe on choline
Can Kidney Stones Be Dissolved Naturally?
Can nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) be reversed?
Benefits & Downfalls of Digestive Enzymes
Would PERQUE ever consider adding K2 to the PERQUE D3 formulation?
Dr. Russell Jaffe discusses higher than normal levels of heavy metals in blood
Ask Dr. J: Is there any way to improve testosterone levels without the use of exogenous hormones?
What is the ideal pH for drinking water?
Dr. Russell Jaffe is asked about using the C Cleanse weekly
Dr. Russell Jaffe explains how certain medications can interfere with LRA tests
Dr. Russell Jaffe explains the meaning of immune response
Can LRA tests be used for future reactivity to certain implants if there hasn’t been any exposure?
Dr. Russell Jaffe explains connection between detoxification and quality of sleep
How do you know if you are getting enough B-Complex?
Difference between testing cooked foods vs. raw foods when looking at the LRA test
Dr. Russell Jaffe: The mind, body, spirit connection
Dr. Russell Jaffe Explains Ubiquinol vs Ubiquinone
The Truth About Tanning Beds from Dr. Russell Jaffe
The Thyroid: Hyper vs Hypo from Dr. Russell Jaffe
Can you explain how Vitamin C could help regulate a woman’s menstrual cycle?
The Role of Digestive Health in Overall Health & Wellness
LRA Testing by ELISA/ACT Biotechnologies
PERQUE Integrative Health: Testing Vitamin D
PERQUE Integrative Health: Omega-3 Index
The PERQUE Integrative Health Vitamin C Difference
Ask Dr. J: Can you explain the Green Light Therapy?
Ask Dr. J: Differences Between Delayed Hypersensitivities & Immediate
Ask Dr. J: When to use PERQUE Life Guard without PABA & Folicin
Ask Dr. J – What does it tell you if somebody shows up reactive to gliadin but not gluten?
Ask Dr. J – Blood Draw Recommendations for LRA by ELISA/ACT Test
Ask Dr. J – Should people take Magnesium & Choline for life or only when their pH is low?
Ask Dr. J – Could you talk about the need for Vitamin D and the value of testing Vitamin D levels?
Ask Dr. J – Are Lucid Dreams Considered Restful Sleep?
Ask Dr. J – PERQUE Potent C Guard Recommendation for someone taking 75%
Ask Dr. J – Effects of Diabetes on the liver of non-alcoholic patients
Dr. Russell Jaffe explains how PERQUE Regularity Guard improves cholesterol levels naturally
Dr. Russell Jaffe discusses the 3-6 month avoidance treatment period for LRA Testing
Functional Integrative Nutrition…an overview
Ask Dr. J Misc.
Ask Dr. J – Why should you do a 30 day detox?
How does one measure the pH in PERQUE Potent C Guard?
Ask Dr. J – Would a blood transfusion change someone’s LRA results?
Ask Dr. J – Dr. Jaffe Discusses PERQUE Mito Guard Plus
Ask Dr. J – What role does PERQUE MDP Plus Guard Play in Heart Health?
Ask Dr J Feb, 2015
Ask Dr J # 2
Ask Dr. J – Why does PERQUE use ubiquinone in PERQUE Mito Guard Plus?