Alkaline Food Chart

One of the seven principles of eating the Alkaline Way is to select predominately alkaline foods. If you are already in good health, we recommend eating at least 60% alkaline-forming foods. If your immune system is compromised or reacting to something or your health needs to be restored in any way, we suggest an 80% alkalinizing diet, to help calm your immune system and support digestion. Follow the Alkaline Food Chart below to learn about acid-forming and alkaline-forming foods.

Those foods that are alkalinizing and that you most enjoy will become the cornerstones of your shopping lists—the staples of your personal healthy eating plan. You will refer to this chart frequently when creating shopping lists.

Alkaline Food Chart

Eating healthy is difficult to achieve for many Americans. With the food choices given to us, it’s paramount to stay focused on what’s important –  your health! There are seven principles of eating “The Alkaline Way” to help you through your journey. Incorporate these principles to create and enjoy a delicious and healthy Alkaline Diet.

1) Eat a Wide Variety of Fresh, High-Quality, Whole Foods

Your first consideration for eating the Alkaline Way is to eat predominantly whole foods (better even when grown organically or biodynamically). This is the basis of eating the Alkaline Way.

Access Dr. Russell Jaffe’s Alkaline Way Guide for Free (EBOOK)

For over 20 years, world-renowned researcher Russell Jaffe MD, Ph.D, CCN and his team have offered this outstanding program to help people progress to sustainable optimal health. Follow the Alkaline Way and discover a healthier, happier you.

The Alkaline Way is a personalized eating and lifestyle plan. It can help individuals:

– Create immune resilience
– Improve digestion
– Achieve healthier bones and joints
– Get more restful, restorative sleep
– Decrease illnesses and infections

Click here for your free Ebook.

2) Eat 60-80% Alkaline-Forming Foods

Principle two is to select predominately alkaline foods. If you are already in good health, we recommend eating at least 60% alkaline-forming foods. If your immune system is compromised or reacting to something or your health needs to be restored in any way, we suggest an 80% alkalinizing diet, to help calm your immune system and support digestion.

3) Eat Immune System Friendly Foods (Based on Your LRA by ELISA/ACT™ Test Results)

The third Alkaline Way principle for healthy eating is to avoid any foods to which your immune system reacts. Use the list of reactive foods from your LRA by ELISA/ACT tests results if you have had testing for delayed allergies; if you have not yet been tested, it is highly recommended. See

4) Eat 60-70% Plant-Based, Complex Carbs; 15-20% Protein; 15-20% Healthy Fat

Our fourth Alkaline Way principle encourages a healthy ratio of complex carbohydrates to proteins to fats.

5) Include Probiotic and Fermented (Cultured) Foods and Drinks

The fifth principle of The Alkaline Way is to make a habit of consuming a wide range of probiotic (cultured or fermented) foods and drinks. The term probiotic means promoting life. A healthy gastrointestinal tract is home to a plentiful variety of beneficial (probiotic) bacteria responsible for keeping our bodies and immune systems in balance.

6) Eat Plenty of Fiber and Water

Plentiful water and fiber intake make up the sixth Alkaline Way principle. Americans, as a whole, consume far too little water and food fiber. Traditional cultures that remain free of Western degenerative diseases consume 40-100 grams of dietary fiber daily from whole, lively foods. By contrast, Americans typically consume 10 grams.

7) Eat Healthier Food Combinations

Smart food combining is an integral component of the Alkaline Way and is our final principle. The way we combine foods together during mealtime can have a tremendous impact on digestion, and therefore overall health. Just as the typical American diet is unhealthy, the American meal—usually represented as meat (protein) and potatoes (starch)—combines foods in the least effective manner.

To download a free “Joy in Living: The Alkaline Way” Guide from Dr. Russell Jaffe, visit here.

To see alkaline diet recipes, please visit this list of 34 Alkaline Diet Recipes.














2 Replies to “Alkaline Food Chart”

  1. Why does the chart say carrots are acidic when every other source I’ve found says that are very alkaline??

  2. There are many versions of what’s acid and what’s alkaline. Some are talking about the food itself and others take into account the impact a food has on the body. Even with impact on the body, there are multiple thoughts and there will be some discrepancies.
    Our Acid/Alkaline chart has been formulated by taking into account the nutrient composition of the food and therefore its effect on the acidity/alkalinity of the body.

    Carrots are one of the few acid producing vegetables as is spinach. However balancing carrots with any other vegetable on the alkaline side can neutralize the acid producing capability.

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