Meyers Detox Podcast with Dr. Russell Jaffe: Toxic Heavy Metals & Food Sensitivities


This article is from Meyers Detox.

Dr. Russell Jaffe, a top expert in pathology and integrative health, distills the best foods and methods for keeping your body nourished and healthy during detox, and in everyday life.

What You’ll Learn

Tune into today’s podcast to hear all about:

  • How metals cause food sensitivities
  • How metals can cross react with different foods, and cause you to develop a sensitivity to a food, when it’s really a sensitivity to a heavy metal.
  • Why we need more nutrients (more supplements and nutrient dense foods) than is required by the body to help it detox its burden of toxins and metals.
  • The top foods to eat for detoxification

Click here to listen to the podcast.